Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Laura M. Bogart

Laura M. Bogart

Laura Bogart is a social psychologist who specializes in applying principles of social cognition to understanding risky health behaviors. In general, her research focuses on the influence of medical mistrust and discrimination on health behavior among African Americans, low-income individuals, and individuals with HIV.

Dr. Bogart has designed and implemented several studies in primary and secondary HIV prevention, and adherence to antiretroviral treatment for HIV; she also conducts adolescent obesity research. She currently is PI of a project examining predictors of treatment non-adherence and sexual transmission risk among African American men with HIV, with a focus on discrimination, stress, and medical mistrust; a qualitative and quantitative process evaluation of AIDS Project Los Angeles’ treatment education/advocacy program for people with HIV; and a formative research study examining sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among obese/overweight adolescents, with a focus on the home environment. She also serves as co-PI on a community-based participatory research study to design and test an intervention to promote healthy eating and physical activity among middle school students.

Previously, she was the PI of a study examining the cognitive strategies used by men who have sex with men and high-risk heterosexuals to recall sexual behaviors; Co-investigator on an NICHD grant examining the relationship of conspiracy beliefs about HIV and birth control, and perceived discrimination in health care, with sexual risk and contraceptive behaviors among African Americans; and Co-PI on a CDC-funded project evaluating the use of rapid HIV testing among medical providers in the U.S

Primary Interests:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Culture and Ethnicity
  • Health Psychology
  • Prejudice and Stereotyping
  • Research Methods, Assessment
  • Sexuality, Sexual Orientation
  • Social Cognition

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25:12 Featured SVG

Medical Mistrust, Discrimination and Healthcare Provision in Black Communities

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  • 25:12

    Medical Mistrust, Discrimination and Healthcare Provision in Black Communities

    Length: 25:12

  • 1:00:24

    Addressing Medical Mistrust and Strengthening Resilience to Intersectional Stigma Among Black and Latinx Sexual Minority Men

    Length: 1:00:24

  • 32:40

    Medical Mistrust, Discrimination, and HIV in Black/African American Communities

    Length: 32:40

Journal Articles:

  • Bird, S .T., & Bogart, L. M. (2005). Conspiracy beliefs about HIV/AIDS and birth control among African Americans: Implications for the prevention of HIV, other STDs, and unintended pregnancy. Journal of Social Issues, 61, 109-126.
  • Bogart LM, Cowgill BO, Kennedy DK, Ryan G, Murphy DA, Elijah J, Schuster MA. HIV-related stigma among people with HIV and their families: A qualitative analysis. AIDS and Behavior 2008; 12:244-254.
  • Bogart LM, Howerton D, Lange J, Becker K, Setodji CM, Asch SM. Scope of rapid HIV testing in private nonprofit urban community health settings in the United States. American Journal of Public Health 2008; 98: 736-742.
  • Bogart, L. M., Bird, S. T., Walt, L. C., Delahanty, D. L., & Figler, J. (2004). Association of stereotypes about physicians to health care satisfaction, help-seeking behavior, and adherence to treatment. Social Science and Medicine, 58, 1049-1058.
  • Bogart LM, Collins RL, Kanouse DE, Cunningham W, Beckman R, Golinelli D, Bird CE. Patterns and correlates of deliberate abstinence among men and women with HIV/AIDS. American Journal of Public Health 2006; 6:1078-1084.
  • Bogart LM, Kalichman SC, Simbayi LC. Endorsement of a genocidal HIV conspiracy as a barrier to HIV testing in South Africa. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes2008;49: 115-116.
  • Bogart, L. M. (2001). Relationship of stereotypes about physicians to health care behaviors and intentions among African American women. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 24, 573-586.
  • Bogart, L. M. (1998). The relationship of stereotypes about helpers to help-seeking judgments, preferences, and behaviors. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 1264-1275.
  • Bogart, L. M., Catz, S. L., Kelly, J. A., & Benotsch, E. G. (2001). Factors influencing physicians’ judgments of adherence and treatment decisions for patients with HIV disease. Medical Decision Making, 21, 28-36.
  • Bogart, L. M., Cecil, H., Wagstaff, D., Pinkerton, S. D., & Abramson, P. (2000). Is it "sex"?: College students' assessments of sexual behavior terminology. Journal of Sex Research, 37(2).
  • Bogart LM, Howerton D, Lange J, Setodji CM, Becker K, Klein DJ, Asch SM. Provider-related barriers to rapid HIV testing in US urban non-profit community clinics, community-based organizations (CBOs) and hospitals. AIDS and Behavior 2008; Epub.
  • Bogart LM, Collins RL, Ellickson PL, Klein DJ. Association of sexual abstinence in adolescence with mental health in adulthood. Journal of Sex Research 2007; 44: 290-298.
  • Bogart, L. M., Kelly, J. A., Catz, S. L., & Sosman, J. M. (2000). The impact of medical and nonmedical factors on physician decision-making for HIV/AIDS antiretroviral treatment. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology, 23, 396-404.
  • Bogart, L. M., & Thorburn, S. T. (2005). Are HIV/AIDS conspiracy beliefs a barrier to HIV prevention among African Americans? Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 38, 213-218.
  • Bogart LM, Walt LC, Pavlovic JD, Ober AJ, Brown N, Kalichman SC. Cognitive strategies affecting recall of sexual behavior among high-risk men and women. Health Psychology 2007; 26, 787-793.

Laura M. Bogart
Pardee RAND Graduate School
1776 Main Street
Santa Monica, California
United States of America

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